Advisors: - Prof. Ali Ghrayeb, Concordia University. - Prof. Sofiène Affes, INRS-EMT.
Biography: Keyvan Zarifi Received his Ph.D. degree (with the highest honors) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, in 2007.
From January 2002 until March 2005, he was with the Department of Communication Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany. From April 2005 until September 2007, he was with the Darmstadt University of Technology. From September 2002 until March 2003, he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Since September 2007, he has been jointly with Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Énergie, Matériaux, et Télécommunications (INRS-EMT), Université du Québec, and Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as a Postdoctoral Fellow. His research interests include a range of topics in communications and signal processing including wireless sensor networks, cooperative communication networks, multiple-input multiple-output (multi-hop) relay networks, signal processing techniques for multiple-access communication systems.
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Distinctions: - Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada. - Pre-approved Candidate for Industrial R&D Fellowship from NSERC, Canada, for two years starting from 2007. - Ph.D. Degree with the Highest Honors from Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, 2007 (German title: Auszeichnung). - Appreciated Reviewer: Recognition granted by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2007 and 2008. - Finalist in the Student Paper Contest in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2006, Toulouse, France.
Journal papers
[8] K. Zarifi, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, “Large-System-Based Performance Analysis and Design of Multiuser Cooperative Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, pp. 1511-1525, April 2009.
[7] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Generalized Correlation Decomposition Based Blind Channel Estimation in DS-CDMA Systems with Unknown Wide-Sense Stationary Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, pp. 5605-5617, November 2008.
[6] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “High SNR Performance Analysis of Blind Minimum Output Energy Receivers for Large DS-CDMA Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, pp. 3248-3260, July 2008.
[5] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Blind Minimum Output Energy Receivers for Large DS-CDMA Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, pp. 650-663, February 2008.
[4] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Blind Subspace-Based Signature Estimation in DS-CDMA Systems with Unknown Wide-Sense Stationary Interference,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, pp. 3325-3335, July 2007.
[3] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Performance Analysis of Blind Subspace-Based Signature Estimation Algorithms for DS-CDMA Systems with Unknown Correlated Noise,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2007, Article ID 83863, 14 pages, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/83863
[2] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Blind Subspace-Based Signature Waveform Estimation in BPSK-Modulated DS-CDMA Systems with Circular Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54, pp. 3592-3602, September 2006.
[1] K. Zarifi, S. Shahbazpanahi, A. B. Gershman, and Z.-Q. Luo, “Robust Blind Multiuser Detection Based on the Worst-Case Performance Optimization of the MMSE Receiver,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 295-305, January 2005.
Conference papers
[13] K. Zarifi, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, “Asymptotic Analysis and Design of Multiuser Cooperative DS-CDMA Systems,” Proc. of IEEE ICC, to appear, June 2009, Dresden, Germany.
[12] K. Zarifi, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, “Distributed Beamforming for Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Location,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, to appear, April 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
[11] K. Zarifi, M. Abuthinien, A. Ghrayeb, and S. Affes, “Relay Selection Schemes for Uniformly Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. of IEEE WCNC, to appear, April 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
[10] N. Fawaz, K. Zarifi, M. Debbah, and D. Gesbert, “Asymptotic Capacity and Optimal Precoding Strategy of Multi-Level Precode & Forward in Correlated Channels,” Proc. of IEEE ITW, May 2008, Porto, Portugal.
[9] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Blind Channel Estimation in DS-CDMA Systems with Unknown Wide-Sense Stationary Noise Using Generalized Correlation Decomposition,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, April 2008, Las Vegas, USA.
[8] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Large System Performance Analysis of Minimum Output Energy Receivers for DS-CDMA Systems,” Proc. of IEEE SPAWC, June 2007, Helsinki, Finland.
[7] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “High SNR Performance Analysis of Blind Minimum Output Energy Receivers in Large DS-CDMA Systems,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, April 2007, Honolulu, USA.
[6] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Subspace-Based Blind Channel Estimation in DS-CDMA Systems with Unknown Wide-Sense Stationary Interference,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, May 2006, Toulouse, France.
[5] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Performance Analysis of Subspace-Based Signature Waveform Estimation Algorithms for DS-CDMA Systems with Unknown Correlated Noise,” Proc. of IEEE SPAWC, June 2005, New York, USA.
[4] K. Zarifi and A. B. Gershman, “Enhanced Blind Subspace-Based Signature Waveform Estimation in CDMA Systems with Circular Noise,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, March 2005, Philadelphia, USA.
[3] K. Zarifi, S. Shahbazpanahi, A. B. Gershman, and Z.-Q. Luo, “Robust Blind Multiuser Detection Based on Worst-Case MMSE Performance,” Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, May 2004, Montreal, Canada.
[2] A. Afsahi, M. J. Yazdanpanah and K. Zarifi, “Improvement of Least Square and Hyper-Optimal Methods to Design the Nonlinear H-Infinity Controller,” Proc. of Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 2001, Tehran, Iran.
[1] K. Zarifi and M. J. Yazdanpanah, “Two Approximate Solutions to HJI Equation via State Dependent Riccati Equation,” Proc. of European Control Conference, September 2001, Porto, Portugal.
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