[115] S. Panic, D.N. K. Jayakody, S. Affes, and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Hardware Impaired Self-energized Bidirectional Sensor Networks over Complex Fading Channels", submitted to MDPI Sensors, July 2020, revised, September 2020, accepted for publication, September 2020, to appear.
[114] M. F. Ali, D.N.K. Jayakody, Y.C. Alexandrovich, S. Affes, and D. Sonkin, "Recent Advances and Future Directions on Underwater Wireless Communications", Springer Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, vol. 2020, no. 27, pp. 1379–1412, November 2020.
[113] M. Sarvaghad-Moghaddam, W. Ullah, D.N.K. Jayakody, and S. Affes, "A New Construction of High Performance LDPC Matrices for Mobile Networks", MDPI Sensors, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2300(1-24), April 2020.
[112] S.A.M. Tariq, C. Despins, S. Affes, and C. Nerguizian, "Angular Dispersion of a Scattered Underground Wireless Channel at 60 GHz", IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 67572-67580, April 2020.
[111] S. Zaidi, O. Ben Smida, S. Affes, and S. Valaee, "Distributed Zero-Forcing Amplify-and-Forward Beamforming for WSN Operation in Interfered and Highly-Scattered Environments", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1187-1199, February 2020.
[110] A. Rajaram, N. Jayakody, B.C. Chen, R. Dinis, and S. Affes, "Modulation-based Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 136-140, January 2020.
[109] S. Ben Amor, S. Affes, F. Bellili, and N. Jayakody, "ML-Type EM-Based Estimation of Fast Time-Varying Frequency-Selective Channels Over SIMO OFDM Transmissions", IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 148265-148277, December 2019.
[108] R. Casado-Vara, A.M. del Rey, S. Affes, J. Prieto, J.M. Corchado, "IoT Network Slicing on Virtual Layers of Homogeneous Data for Improved Algorithm Operation in Smart Buildings", Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, vol. 102, no. 2020, pp. 965–977, September 2019.
[107] I. Trigui, P. Diamantoulakis, S. Affes, and G. Karagiannidis, "Shadowed FSO/mmWave Systems with Interference", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 6256-6267, September 2019.
[106] S. Zaidi, O. Ben Smida, S. Affes, U. Vilaipornsawai, L. Zhang, and P. Zhu, "User-Centric Base-Station Wireless Access Virtualization for Future 5G Networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5190-5202, July 2019.
[105] I. Trigui, S. Affes, A. Salhab, and M.-S. Alouini, "Multi-User Mixed FSO/RF Systems with Aperture Selection Under Poisson Field Interference", IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 73764-73781, June 2019.
[104] H. Haggui, S. Affes, and F. Bellili, "FPGA-SDR Integration and Experimental Validation of a Joint DA ML SNR and Doppler Spread Estimator for 5G Cognitive Transceivers", IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 69464-69480, June 2019.
[103] F. Bellili, S. Ben Amor, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, "Maximum Likelihood Joint Angle and Delay Estimation from Multipath and Multicarrier Transmissions with Application to Indoor Localization Over IEEE 802.11ac Radio", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1116-1132, May 2019.
[102] S. Ben Amor, S. Affes, F. Bellili, U. Vilaipornsawai, L. Zhang, and P. Zhu, "Multi-Node ML Time and Frequency Synchronization for Distributed MIMO-Relay Beamforming over Time-Varying Flat-Fading Channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2702-2715, April 2019.
[101] S. Ben Hassen, F. Bellili, A. Samet, and S. Affes, "Angular Parameters Estimation of Incoherently Distributed Sources Generating Noncircular-Signals", IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 38451-38468, March 2019.
[100] O. Ben Smida, S. Zaidi, S. Affes, and S. Valaee, "Robust Distributed Collaborative Beamforming for Wireless Sensors Networks with Channel Parameter Estimation Errors", MDPI Sensors, vol. 2019, no. 5, pp. 1061(1-22), March 2019.
[99] I. Trigui and S. Affes, "Unified Analysis and Optimization of D2D Communications in Cellular Networks Over Fading Channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 724-736, January 2019.
[98] I. Trigui, S. Affes, and B. Liang, "Unified Stochastic Geometry Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks in LOS/NLOS and Shadowed Fading", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 5470-5486, December 2017.
[97] F. Bellili, A. Methenni, S. Ben Amor, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "Time Synchronization of Turbo-Coded Square-QAM-Modulated Transmissions: Code-Aided ML Estimator and Closed-Form Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 10776-10792, December 2017.
[96] I. Trigui, N. Cherif, and S. Affes, "Relay-Assisted Mixed FSO/RF Systems over Málaga-M and κ-μ Shadowed Fading Channels", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 682-685, October 2017.
[95] A. Masmoudi, F. Bellili, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, "Maximum Likelihood Time Delay Estimation from Single- and Multi-Carrier DSSS Multipath MIMO Transmissions for Future 5G Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 4851- 4865, August 2017.
[94] F. Bellili, Y. Selmi, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, "A Low-Cost and Robust Maximum Likelihood Joint Estimator for the Doppler Spread and CFO Parameters Over Flat-Fading Rayleigh Channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 3467-3478, August 2017.
[93] F. Bellili, S. Ben Amor, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, "Low-Complexity DOA Estimation from Short Data Snapshots for ULA Systems Using the Annihilating Filter Technique", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2017, no. 48, pp. 1-16, June 2017.
[92] M.M. Rahman, C. Despins, and S. Affes, "End-to-End Programmable, Cloud-based Virtualized HetNet: Advances Made & Challenges to Address", Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 105, pp. 14-32, June 2017.
[91] F. Bellili, C. Elguet, S. Ben Amor, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "Code-Aided DOA Estimation from Turbo-Coded QAM Transmissions: Analytical CRLBs and Maximum Likelihood Estimator", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 2850-2865, May 2017.
[90] A. El-Assaf, S. Zaidi, S. Affes, and N. Kandil, "Robust ANNs-based WSN Localization in the Presence of Anisotropic Signal Attenuation", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 504-507, October 2016.
[89] S. Zaidi, A. El-Assaf, S. Affes, and N. Kandil, "Accurate Range-Free Localization in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 3886-3900, September 2016.
[88] M.M. Rahman, C. Despins, and S. Affes, "Design Optimization of Wireless Access Virtualization Based on Cost & QoS Trade-off Utility Maximization", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 6146-6162, September 2016.
[87] I. Trigui, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "Capacity Scaling Laws in Interference-Limited Multiple-Antenna AF Relay Networks with User Scheduling", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3284-3295, August 2016.
[86] I. Mrissa, F. Bellili, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "A Context-Aware Cognitive SIMO Transceiver for Enhanced Throughput on the Downlink of LTE HetNet", Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1349–1435, August 2016. Invited
[85] A. El-Assaf, S. Zaidi, S. Affes, and N. Kandil, "Low-Cost Localization for Multi-Hop Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 472-484, January 2016.
Nasri, A. Latrach, and
S. Affes,
"Throughput- and Cost-Efficient Interference
Cancellation Strategies for the Downlink of Spectrum-Sharing
LTE HetNet", Wiley J. Wireless Commun. Mobile Computing, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 236–248, January 2016. Invited
[83] S.
Zaidi and S. Affes, "Distributed Collaborative Beamforming Design for Maximized Throughput in Interfered and Scattered Environments", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 4905-4919, October 2015.
[82] S. Zaidi, B. Hmidet, and S. Affes,
"Power-Constrained Distributed Implementation of SNR-Optimal Collaborative Beamforming in Highly-Scattered Environments", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.
4, no. 5, pp. 457-460, October 2015.
[81] A. Afana, A. Ghrayeb, V. R. Asghari, and S. Affes,
"Distributed Beamforming for Two-Way DF Relay Cognitive Networks Under Primary–Secondary Mutual Interference", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 3918-3930, September 2015.
[80] F.
Bellili, A. Methenni, and
S. Affes,
"Closed-Form CRLBs for CFO and Phase Estimation
from Turbo-Coded Square-QAM-Modulated Transmissions", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 2513-2531, May 2015.
[79] A. El-Assaf, S. Zaidi, S. Affes, and N. Kandil,
"Accurate Nodes Localization in Anisotropic Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, pp. 1-17, April 2015. Invited
F. Bellili,
R. Meftehi, S.
and A.
"Maximum Likelihood SNR Estimation of Linearly-Modulated
Signals over Time-Varying Flat-Fading SIMO Channels",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
63, no. 2, pp. 441-456, February 2015.
I. Trigui, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
"Ergodic Capacity of Two-Hop Multiple Antenna
AF Systems with Co-Channel Interference",
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.
4, no. 1, pp. 26-29, January 2015.
Trigui, I. Mechmeche, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
"Capacity and Error Rate Analysis of Cognitive
MIMO AF Relaying", IEEE Wireless Communications
Letters, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 665-668, December 2014.
Afana, A.
Ghrayeb, V.R.
Asghari, and S. Affes,
"Distributed Beamforming for Spectrum-Sharing
Systems with AF Cooperative Two-Way Relaying",
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62,
no. 5, pp. 3180-3195, September 2014.
F. Bellili,
A. Methenni, and
S. Affes,
"Closed-Form CRLBs for SNR Estimation from
Turbo-Coded BPSK-, MSK-, and Square-QAM-Modulated Signals",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
62, no. 15, pp. 4018-4033, August 2014.
Zaidi and S. Affes,
"Distributed Collaborative Beamforming in the
Presence of Angular Scattering", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 5,
pp. 1668-1680, May 2014.
Afana, V.R. Asghari, A. Ghrayeb, and S. Affes,
"On the Performance of Cooperative Relaying
Spectrum-Sharing Systems with Collaborative Distributed
Beamforming", IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 857-871, March 2014.
Trigui, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
"On the Ergodic Capacity of Amplify-and-Forward
Relay Channels with Interference in Nakagami-m Fading",
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 61,
no. 8, pp. 3136-3145, August 2013.
Trigui, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
"Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Interference-Limited
Amplify-and-Forward Relay Channels in Nakagami-m Fading", IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 2726-2734, July 2013.
[69] A. Masmoudi, F. Bellili, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "A Maximum Likelihood
Time Delay Estimator in a Multipath Environment Using
Importance Sampling", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no.
1, pp. 182-193, January 2013.

S. Zaidi and S. Affes,
"SNR and Throughput
Analysis of Distributed Collaborative Beamforming in
Locally-Scattered Environments", IEEE
Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing, special issue on advances in wireless
and mobile computing issues, vol. 12, no. 18, pp. 1620-1633,
December 2012. Invited

I. Trigui, A. Laourine,
S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
"The Inverse Gaussian
Distribution in Wireless Channels: Second Order Statistics
and Channel Capacity", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 11,
pp. 3167-3173, November 2012.

F. Etezadi, K. Zarifi,
A. Ghrayeb, and S. Affes, "Decentralized
Relay Selection Schemes in Uniformly Distributed Wireless
Sensor Networks", IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11,
no. 3, pp. 938-951, March 2012.

[65] I.
Bousnina, A. Stéphenne, S. Affes, and A. Samet,
"A New Low-Complexity
Angular Spread Estimator in the Presence of Line-Of-Sight
with Angular Distribution Selection", EURASIP
JASP, special issue on advances in angle-of-arrival
and multidimensional signal processing for localization
and communications, vol. 2011, no. 88, pp. 1-16, November
[64] A. Masmoudi,
F. Bellili, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
Non-Data-Aided Maximum Likelihood Time Delay Estimator
Using Importance Sampling", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 4505-4515, October 2011.
K. Zarifi, A. Ghrayeb, and
S. Affes, "Jointly
Optimal Source Power Control and Relay Matrix Design
in Multipoint-to-Multipoint Cooperative Communication
Networks", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no.
9, pp. 4313-4330, September 2011.
[62] M. Souden,
J. Chen, J. Benesty, and S. Affes,
"An Integrated Solution
for Online Multichannel Noise Tracking and Reduction",
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,
vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 2159-2169, September 2011.
S. Ben Hassen, F. Bellili,
A. Samet, and S. Affes,
"DOA Estimation of
Temporally and Spatially Correlated Narrowband Noncircular
Sources in Spatially Correlated White Noise",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
59, no. 9, pp. 4108-4121, September 2011.
[60] I.
S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "Closed-Form
Error Analysis of Variable-Gain Multihop Systems in
Nakagami-m Fading", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 8,
pp. 2285-2295, August 2011.
Y. Salih-Alj, C. Despins,
and S. Affes, "Design
Considerations for an UWB Computationally-Efficient
Fast Acquisition System for Indoor Line-of-Sight Ranging
Applications", IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10,
no. 8, pp. 2776-2784, August 2011.
K. Zarifi, S. Zaidi, S.
and A.
"A Distributed Amplify-and-Forward
Beamforming Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
59, no. 8, pp. 3657-3674, August 2011.
Kammoun, K. Abed-Meraim, and S. Affes,
of the Asymptotic Channel MSE in Regularized Semi-Blind
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.
57, no. 7, pp. 4732-4739, July 2011.
[56] A.
F. Bellili, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne, "Closed-Form
Expressions for the Exact Cramér-Rao Bounds of
Timing Recovery Estimators from BPSK, MSK and Square-QAM
Transmissions", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no.
6, pp. 2474-2484, June 2011.
[55] F.
Bellili, S. Ben Hassen, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
Lower Bounds of DOA Estimates from Square QAM-Modulated
Signals", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 6,
pp. 1675-1685, June 2011.
[54] M.A.
F. Bellili, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
Estimation over SIMO Channels from Linearly-Modulated
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
58, no. 12, pp. 6017-6028, December 2010.
[53] F.
Bellili, A. Stéphenne,
and S. Affes,
"Cramér-Rao Lower
Bounds for Non-Data-Aided SNR Estimates of Square QAM
Modulated Transmissions",
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.
58, no. 11, pp. 3211-3218, November 2010.
[52] F.
Bellili, N. Atitallah, S.
and A.
"Cramér-Rao Lower
Bounds for Frequency and Phase NDA Estimation from Arbitrary
Square QAM-Modulated Signals", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
58, no.
9, pp.
4517-4525, September 2010.
Souden, J. Benesty, and S. Affes,
Study of the LCMV and MVDR Noise Reduction Filter",
IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing, vol.
58, no.
9, pp.
4925-4935, September 2010.
[50] M.
Souden, J. Benesty, and S. Affes,
"Broadband Source
Localization from an Eigenanalysis Perspective",
IEEE Transactions
on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.
no. 6, pp.
1575-1587, August 2010.
[49] M.
Souden, J. Chen, J. Benesty, and S. Affes,
"Gaussian Model-Based
Multichannel Speech Presence Probability", IEEE
Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,
no. 5,
pp. 1072-1077, July 2010.
[48] M.
Souden, J. Benesty, and S. Affes,
"On the Global Output
SNR of the Parameterized Frequency-Domain Multichannel
Noise Reduction Wiener Filter",
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.
17, no.
May 2010.
[47] B.
Smida, L. Hanzo, and S. Affes, "Exact
BER Performance of Asynchronous MC-DS-CDMA over Fading
Channels", IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, vol.
no. 4,
pp. 1249-1254,
April 2010.
K. Zarifi, S. Affes, and
A. Ghrayeb, "Collaborative
Null-Steering Beamforming for Uniformly Distributed
Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58,
no. 3,
pp. 1889-1903, March 2010. Nominated for Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
K. Zarifi, A. Ghrayeb, and
"Distributed Beamforming
for Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Graph Connectivity
and Energy Efficiency", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no.
3, pp. 1904-1921, March

[44] A.
F. Bellili,
and S. Affes,
"Moment-Based SNR
Estimation over Linearly-Modulated Wireless SIMO Channels",
IEEE Transactions
on Wireless Communications, vol.
no. 2,
pp. 714-722, February 2010.
F. Bellili, A. Stéphenne,
and S. Affes,
"Cramer-Rao Lower
Bounds for Subcarrier SNR Estimates over Multicarrier
Channels", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.
58, no. 2, pp. 891-896, February 2010.

M. Souden, J. Benesty, and
S. Affes,
"On Optimal Frequency-Domain
Multichannel Linear Filtering for Noise Reduction",
IEEE Transactions
on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.
18, no. 2, pp. 260-276, February 2010.

[41] M.
Souden, S. Affes, J. Benesty, and R. Bahroun,
"Robust Doppler Spread
Estimation in the Presence of a Residual Carrier Frequency
Offset", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no.
10, pp. 4148-4153, October 2009.

[40] I.
Trigui, A. Laourine, S. Affes, and A. Stéphenne,
"Performance Analysis
of Mobile Radio Systems over Composite Fading/Shadowing
Channels with Co-located Interference", IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.
8, no. 7, pp. 3448-3453, July 2009.

[39] B.
Boukari, E. Moldovan, S. Affes, K. Wu, R.G. Bosisio,
and S.O. Tatu, "Robust
Microstrip to Waveguide Transitions for Millimeter-Wave
Radar Sensor Applications", IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.
8, pp. 759-762, July 2009.

[38] B.
Boukari, E. Moldovan, S. Affes, K. Wu, R.G. Bosisio,
and S.O. Tatu, "A
Heterodyne Six-Port FMCW RADAR Sensor Architecture Based
on Beat Signal Phase Slope Techniques", PIER
JEMWA 93, pp. 307-332, July 2009.

[37] Y.
Salih -Alj, C. Despins, and S. Affes,
"A Fast Acquisition
System for Ultra-Wideband Wireless Multiple-Access Communications",
IEEE Canadian Journal
of Electrical and Computer Engineering CJECE,
vol. 34, no. 1/2, pp. 43-48, Winter/Spring 2009.

[36] A.
Laourine, A. Stéphenne, and S. Affes,
"On the Capacity of
Log-Normal Fading Channels", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 57,
no. 6, pp. 1603-1607, June 2009.

[35] A. Taok,
N. Kandil, and S. Affes,
"Neural Networks for
Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Localization Using Ultra-Wideband",
Academy Publisher
Journal of Communication JCM, vol. 4, no. 4,
pp. 267-275, May 2009.

[34] M. Boutin, C. Despins,
T. Denidni, and S. Affes,
"A Novel Interference
Safety Margin for Cognitive Radio MANET Using Smart
Antennas", Academy
Publisher Journal of Communication JCM, vol.
4, no. 4, pp. 257-266, May 2009.

[33] A.
Laourine, M.-S Alouini, S. Affes, and A.
Stéphenne, "On
the Performance Analysis of Composite Multipath/Shadowing
Channels Using the G-Distribution", IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol.
57, no. 4, pp. 1162-1170, April 2009.

[32] S.O.
Tatu, E. Moldovan, and S. Affes,
"Low-Cost Transceiver
Architectures for 60 GHz Ultra Wideband WLANs",
International Journal
of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, vol.
2009, Article ID 382695, doi:10.1155/2009/382695, 6
pages, April 2009.

[31] K.
Zarifi, S. Affes, and A. Ghrayeb, "Large-System-Based
Performance Analysis and Design of Multiuser Cooperative
Networks", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no.
4, pp. 1511-1525, April 2009.

[30] J.
Dmochowski, J. Benesty, and S. Affes, "On
Spatial Aliasing in Microphone Arrays", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no.
4, pp. 1383-1395, April 2009.

[29] B. Boukari, E.
Moldovan, R.I. Cojocaru, S. Affes, K.
Wu, R.G. Bosisio, and S.O. Tatu,
"A 77 GHz Six-Port
FMCW Collision Avoidance RADAR Sensor with Baseband
Analytical Calibration", Microwave
and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51,
no. 3, pp. 720-725, March 2009.

[28] J.
Dmochowski, J. Benesty, and S. Affes, "An
Information-Theoretic View of Array Processing",
IEEE Transactions
on Audio,
Speech and Language Processing,
vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 392-401, February 2009.

[27] B.
Smida and S. Affes, "Analysis
of Multi-User Detection of Muli-Rate Transmissions in
Multi-Cellular CDMA", Wiley
Journal on Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing,
vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-20, January 2009.

[26] J.
Dmochowski, J. Benesty, and S. Affes, "Linearly
Constrained Minimum Variance Source Localization and
Spectral Estimation", IEEE
Transactions on Audio,
Speech and Language Processing, vol. 16, no.
8, pp. 1490-1502, November 2008.

[25] A. Laourine, M.-S Alouini,
S. Affes, and A.
Stéphenne, "On
the Capacity of Generalized-K Fading Channels",
IEEE Transactions
on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 7, pp.
2441-2445, July 2008.

[24] S.O. Tatu, E. Moldovan,
S. Affes, B. Boukari, K. Wu, and R.G. Bosisio,
"Six-Port Interferometric
Technique for Accurate W-band Phase Noise Measurements",
IEEE Transactions
on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 56,
no. 6, pp. 1372-1379, June 2008.

[23] E. Moldovan, S. Affes,
and S. O. Tatu,
"A 60 GHz Multi-Port
Front-End Architecture with Integrated Phased Antenna
Array", Microwave
and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no.
5, pp. 1371-1376, May 2008.

[22] M. Souden, S. Affes,
and J. Benesty,
"A Two-Stage Approach
to Estimate the Angles of Arrival and the Angular Spreads
of Locally Scattered Sources", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no.
5, pp. 1968-1983, May 2008.

[21] S. Aït-Fares,
T. Denidni, S. Affes, and C. Despins, "Fractional-Delay
Sequential Blind Beamforming for Wireless Multipath
Communications in Confined Areas", IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.
7, no. 2, pp. 629-638, February 2008.

[20] M. Boutin, A. Benzakour,
C. Despins, and S.
Affes, "Radio
Wave Characterization and Modeling in Underground Mine
Tunnels", IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.
56, no. 2, pp. 540-549, February 2008.

[19] B. Smida, S. Affes,
K. Jamaoui, and P. Mermelstein, "A
Multicarrier-CDMA Space-Time Receiver with Full Interference
Suppression Capabilities", IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57,
no. 1, pp. 363-379, January 2008.

[18] J. Dmochowski, J. Benesty,
and S. Affes, "A
Generalized Steered Response Power Method for Computationally
Viable Source Localization", IEEE
Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 2510-2526, November 2007.

[17] A. Laourine, A. Stéphenne,
and S. Affes, "Estimating
the Ergodic Capacity of Log-Normal Channels"
, IEEE Communications Letters,
vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 568-570, July 2007.

[16] B. Smida, S. Affes,
J. Li, and P. Mermelstein, "A
Spectrum-Efficient Multicarrier CDMA Array-Receiver
with Diversity-Based Enhanced Time and Frequency Synchronization",
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2315-2327, June 2007.

[15] J. Dmochowski, J. Benesty,
and S. Affes, "Direction
of Arrival Estimation Using the Parametrized Spatial
Correlation Matrix", IEEE
Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1327-1339, May 2007.

[14] A. Laourine, A. Stéphenne,
and S. Affes, "A
New OFDM Synchronization Symbol for Carrier Frequency
Offset Estimation", IEEE
Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 5, pp.
321-324, May 2007.

[13] C. Nerguizian, C. Despins,
and S. Affes, "Geolocation
in Mines with an Impulse Response Fingerprinting Technique
and Neural Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 603-611, March 2006.

[12] C. Nerguizian, C. Despins,
S. Affes, and M. Djadel, "Radio
Channel Characterization of an Underground Mine at 2.4
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.
4, no. 5, pp. 2441-2453, September 2005.

[11] K. Cheikhrouhou, S.
Affes, A. Elderini, B. Smida, P. Mermelstein, B. Sultana,
and V. Sampath, "Design
Verification and Performance Evaluation of an Enhanced
Wideband CDMA Receiver Using Channel Measurements",
EURASIP Journal on
Applied Signal Processing, special issue on system-integration-oriented
transceiver designs for wireless networks beyond 3G,
vol. 2005, no. 11, pp. 1736-1752, July 2005.

[10] H. Hansen, S. Affes,
and P. Mermelstein, "High
Capacity Downlink Transmission with MIMO Interference
Subspace Rejection in Multicellular CDMA Networks",
EURASIP Journal on
Applied Signal Processing, special issue on MIMO
communications and signal processing, vol. 2004, no.
5, pp. 707-726, May 2004.

[9] J. Wu, S. Affes, and
P. Mermelstein, "Forward-Link
Soft Handoff in CDMA with Multiple-Antenna Selection
and Joint Fast Power Control", IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.
2, no. 3, pp. 459-471, May 2003.

[8] S. Affes and P. Mermelstein,
"A Blind Coherent
Spatio-Temporal Processor of Orthogonal Walsh-Modulated
CDMA Signals", Wiley
Journal on Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing,
special issue on adaptive antennas and MIMO systems,
vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 763-784, November 2002.

[7] S. Affes, H. Hansen,
and P. Mermelstein, "Interference
Subspace Rejection: A Framework for Multiuser Detection
in Wideband CDMA", IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
special issue on multiuser detection techniques with
application to wired and wireless communications systems,
vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 287-302, February 2002.

[6] K. Cheikhrouhou, S.
Affes, and P. Mermelstein, "Impact
of Synchronization on Performance of Enhanced Array-Receivers
in Wideband CDMA Networks", IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
special issue on signal synchronization in digital transmission
systems, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2462-2476, December 2001.

[5] S. Affes and P. Mermelstein,
"A New Receiver
Structure for Asynchronous CDMA: STAR - The Spatio-Temporal
Array-Receiver", IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
special issue on signal processing for wireless communications,
vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1411-1422, October 1998.
